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JsonWebTokenUtility Class

Utility class that can be used to generate and validate Json Web Tokens (JWT)
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Hummingbird.TestFramework.Util
Assembly:  Hummingbird.TestFramework (in Hummingbird.TestFramework.dll) Version:
public static class JsonWebTokenUtility

The JsonWebTokenUtility type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateEcdsaToken
Creates a Json Web Token (JWT) by given parameters (using asymmetric algorithm Ecdsa)
Public methodStatic memberCreateHmacShaToken
Creates a Json Web Token (JWT) by given parameters (using symmetric algorithm HMAC-SHA)
Public methodStatic memberCreateRsaToken
Creates a Json Web Token (JWT) by given parameters (using asymmetric algorithm RSA)
Public methodStatic memberCreateSecurityToken
Creates a Json Web Token (JWT) by given parameters (using a given security key.)
Public methodStatic memberGetBase64Key
Gets the base64 encoded symmetric key from the given string representation its KeyFormat
Public methodStatic memberValidateSecurityToken
Validates the a Json Web Token (Security token) from given encoded token and signing key.
Public fieldStatic memberSignatureAlgorithms
The supported signature algorithms
Public fieldStatic memberWellKnownClaimDescriptions
List of well known claims used in JWT payload and their descriptions.
Public fieldStatic memberWellknownClaims
The definition of the well known claims used in a JWT payload.
Public fieldStatic memberWellKnownHeaderDescriptions
List of Well known headers and their descriptions
See Also