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JsonWebTokenUtility Methods

The JsonWebTokenUtility type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateEcdsaToken
Creates a Json Web Token (JWT) by given parameters (using asymmetric algorithm Ecdsa)
Public methodStatic memberCreateHmacShaToken
Creates a Json Web Token (JWT) by given parameters (using symmetric algorithm HMAC-SHA)
Public methodStatic memberCreateRsaToken
Creates a Json Web Token (JWT) by given parameters (using asymmetric algorithm RSA)
Public methodStatic memberCreateSecurityToken
Creates a Json Web Token (JWT) by given parameters (using a given security key.)
Public methodStatic memberGetBase64Key
Gets the base64 encoded symmetric key from the given string representation its KeyFormat
Public methodStatic memberValidateSecurityToken
Validates the a Json Web Token (Security token) from given encoded token and signing key.
See Also