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Hummingbird SDK References

Hummingbird Test Framework provides all functionalities that can be used for manual testing, service simulation, test automation and performance test. These functionalities are organized as follows:

Hummingbird.TestFramework.Services provides all classes that used for service protocol definition and implementation, service simulation. To implement user driver, service simulation and extends existing protocols such as SOAP or HTTP, you need to refer classes used in this namespace.

Hummingbird.TestFramework.Automation provides classes and methods used for Test Automation, Assertions, Test Reports

Hummingbird.TestFramework.Messaging defines classes used to store each transaction such as Web Service calls and calls received by service simulation.


Hummingbird Test Framework provides all functionalities that can be used for manual testing, service simulation, test automation and performance test. These functionalities are organized as follows:

Hummingbird.TestFramework.Services provides all classes that used for service protocol definition and implementation, service simulation.To implement user driver, service simulation and extends existing protocols such as SOAP or HTTP, you need to refer classes used in this namespace.Hummingbird.TestFramework.Automation provides classes and methods used for Test Automation, Assertions, Test ReportsHummingbird.TestFramework.Messaging defines classes used to store each transaction such as Web Service calls and calls received by service simulation.

Contains fundamental classes to store the transactions, including the Messages sent to application, and messages received by Service Simulation.

Message is also attached to SendRequestTestStep, it can be used in Test Automation project

MessageQueue is a static class that manages the messages in a Queue. When implementing new protocols and service simulations, you should create and insert message into the queue


Contains all fundamental Classes that convert between object and Text using Serialization and Deserialization. The classes are used for different kind of services. For example SoapSerializer is used to serialize WCF DataContract object to Soap messages in XML Format, and deserialize a SOAP message to an object.


Contains all fundamental classes that used for service protocol definition and implementation, service simulation. To implement user driver, service simulation and extends existing protocols such as SOAP or HTTP, you need to refer classes used in this namespace.
