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AuthenticationModes Enumeration

The mode of authentication when calling the target. AuthenticationMode is use only on HTTP based services. It is implemented in HttpClient and SoapClient.

Namespace:  Hummingbird.TestFramework.Services
Assembly:  Hummingbird.TestFramework (in Hummingbird.TestFramework.dll) Version:
public enum AuthenticationModes
  Member nameValueDescription
Anonymous0 Calling the web service without using a mode of authentication.
Basic1 Calling the web service by using HTTP Basic Authentication. in this case, user should specify the profile when sends a request.
Digest2 Calling the web service by using HTTP Digest Authentication. in this case, user should specify the profile when sends a request.
Windows4 Calling the web service by using user's current Windows Credential with Windows. Hummingbird uses only current user's credential, no profile should be set.
UserName8 Calling the web service by using UserName message security.
ClientCertificate16 Calling the web service by using an X509 Certificate. In this case, user must assign a x509 certificate from the Certificate store.
Ntlm32 Calling the web service by using user's current Windows Credential. Hummingbird uses only current user's credential, no profile should be set.
Bearer64 Calling the web service by using the HTTP Bearer authentication. In this case, user should specify a Token
See Also