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RelationalOperator Enumeration

A set of relational operators which can be used to evaluate conditions

Namespace:  Hummingbird.TestFramework.Automation.Operators
Assembly:  Hummingbird.TestFramework (in Hummingbird.TestFramework.dll) Version:
[DataContractAttribute(Namespace = "")]
public enum RelationalOperator
  Member nameValueDescription
EqualsTo0 A is equals To B
NotEqualsTo1 A is not equals to B
GreaterThan2 A is exclusively greater than B (A>B)
LessThan3 A is exclusively less than B (A<B)
GreaterEquals4 A is greater than or equals to B (A>=B)
LessEquals5 A is less than or equals to B (A<=B)
StartsWith6 The text A starts with text B
EndsWith7 The text A ends with text B
Contains8 The text A contains the text B (B is a part of A)
NotContains9 The text A does not contain the text B (B is not a part of A)
NotStartsWith10 The text A does not start with text B
NotEndsWith11 The text A does not ends with text B
See Also