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Hummingbird.TestFramework.Serialization Namespace

Contains all fundamental Classes that convert between object and Text using Serialization and Deserialization. The classes are used for different kind of services. For example SoapSerializer is used to serialize WCF DataContract object to Soap messages in XML Format, and deserialize a SOAP message to an object.

Public classAbstractSerializer
AbstractSerializer converts test object in string format or from string format to test object.

Serializer is used to serialize and visualize test objects: including requests or responses, They will be stored in history, log and automation scripts.

Please note that the Serializer has nothing to do with the data sent to your target application, this will be guaranteed by Automation framework and its extensions.

This is the base class of all Serializers. Hummingbird TestFramework provides XmlSerializer to convert objects to XML, JsonSerializer to convert object to Json, SoapSerializer to convert object to SoapMessage, ...

Public classAutomationProjectSerializer
This Serializer serializes Automation projects, Test Suites, and any test steps. To support test steps built with-in Extension, This serializer imports all sub classes used by the project and mark all AbstractTestItem classes as known types.
Public classBase64Serializer
This serializer converts between object and base64 binary. the converting type and all its attributes and types used by attributes must be marked as SerializableAttribute
Public classDataContractSerializer
Serializes or Deserializes object using DataContractSerializer
Public classFormUrlEncodedSerializer
This serializer is used to serialize Body properties into in
Public classHttpRequestSerializer
This serializer serializes an GenericHttpRequest objects to an Http stream.
Public classHttpResponseSerializer
This serializer serializes an GenericHttpResponse objects to an HTTP stream. and Deserialize an HTTP stream to object.
Public classJsonSerializer
This serializer uses DataContractJsonSerializer to serialize and deserialize between JSON structure and object.
Public classSerializationException
Exception encountered during Serialization or Deserialzation
Public classSoapSerializer
This serialize Serializes and Deserializes between Soap message (XML document embedded in Soap:Envelop) and objects
Public classXamlSerializer
Serializes or Deserializes Objects to XAML document
Public classXmlSerializer
This classes uses standard .NET XmlSerializer to serialize and deserialize data.
Public classXmlSerializerExtraTypes
This Serializer uses Standard .NET XmlSerializer but it passes all subclasses in order to correctly serialize derived classes defined in external codes (Extensions)
Public classXmlSerializerWithoutXmlns
Serialize and deserialize between object and XML document without XML Namespaces. it is used to work with the old DTD defined documents. the XML defined with XSD, please use XmlSerializer
Public enumerationDocumentFormat
Describe the document format