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SendRequestTestStep Properties

The SendRequestTestStep type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAssertions
Gets or sets the assertions related to the current test step
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyContext
Gets or sets the test case level Context values. The context is dispatched by the automation engine, and is read-only outside of the Test Cases.
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyCustomVariables
Gets a list of custom variables defined by the user. These variables will be saved with the project. and will be replaced if necessary. CustomVariables are more priority than variables in Variables, if an variable of the same name exists both in CustomVariables and Variables, the value of that in CustomVarialbes will return.
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the Description of the current AbstractTestItem
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyDisplayMessage
Gets or sets the information can be shown to the user
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyDisplayRequest
The request data serialized in original format (XML, JSON, SOAP, ...).

This request will be parsed with variables. The parse uses variables in 2 level:

Level 1: Within the same Thread, the framework will use the variable within the thread

Level 2: Within global variables stored in you profile

Public propertyElapsedTime
A DateTime object indicates the time when current steps finishes. EndTime is set by the test framework after the Checkpoint method has finishes. If the test step goes wrong, EndTime will be set when the error occurs.
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the TestCase.
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyInformation
Detailed information for diagnostic, debug. Do not call Information.Clear when running the test step, it will be automatically done within the base class.
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyInformationString
Gets the string representation of Information
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyIsDisabled
Gets or sets whether the current test item is disabled.
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyIsExpanded
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this item is extended in its Visual Tree.
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of this Test Case
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyOnErrorBehavior
Gets or sets the behavior of Automation Engine when the current test case fails
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyParsedUriTemplate
Gets the parsed URI template.
Public propertyProcessingRules
Gets or sets the rules used to process requests and responses.
Public propertyProfile
Gets the profile.
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyProgress
Gets or sets the progress of the current test item (Test suite or test case)
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyProject
Gets the AutomationProject object where this Test Step depends on.
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyRelatedMessage
Gets or sets a Message object related to the current test step.
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyRequest
The request data in deserializable format. If the request serializer can not deserialize text, the request will be stored in XML format.
Public propertyRequestMetadataDisplayName
Gets the display name of the request metadata.
Public propertyRequestMetadataId
The Identifier of the AbstractMetadata. With the AbstractMetadata, we can find it's service description and send the request via this service. The identifier of the service can not be changed.
Public propertyRequestObject
Gets the request object.
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyRequestOptions
Gets or sets the request options.
Public propertyRequestServiceName
Gets or sets the name of the request service. The backup solution to find service description if RequestMetadataId is changed.
Public propertyRequestText
Gets the Request Text from the related message, if the related message is null or empty, the return value is null.
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyResponseObject
Gets the response object.
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyResponseText
Gets the response text from the related message, if the related message is null the return value is null
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyStartTime
A DateTime object indicates the time when current steps starts to run. StartTime is set by the test framework when the Run method has been called.
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyStatus
Status of the current test item (TestSuite, TestCase or TestStep). Automation framework will mark Result = Running when entering the current item. If Result has not been changed in Run() and Checkpoint() method, it will be marked as Passed.

You must assign Errors, Warning if it happens within Run and Checkpoint method.

(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
Public propertyTestCase
Gets the referenced test case for this test step
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Protected propertyThreadId
Gets the thread identifier.
(Inherited from TestStepBase.)
Public propertyUriTemplate
The UriTemplate of the request to be sent. If the UriTemplate is NullOrEmpty, then the default UriTemplate in AbstractMetadata will be used.
Public propertyVariables
Gets or sets the variables in the current test scope (Test Step, Test Case or Test Suite).
(Inherited from AbstractTestItem.)
See Also