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Hummingbird.TestFramework.Automation.FunctionalConditions Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Hummingbird.TestFramework.Automation.FunctionalConditions"]

Public classAbstractCondition
The abstract class of all Functional conditions.
Public classAbstractExpression
Base class of the Expressions that used in MessageQueueCondition. Users can use a SimpleExpression to describe a simple expression filter, or to use ComplexExpression to do more composed complex expressions
Public classComplexExpression
The complex expression holds 2 AbstractExpression and a LogicalOperator
Public classMessageQueueCondition
Verifies if a given message is present in the MessageQueue
Public classSimpleExpression
Public classTestStepResultCondition
Verifies the status of a given test step
Public classVariableValueCondition
Verifies if a variable's value is expected.
Public enumerationMessagePart
Defines the part of Message is used to retrieve information for condition evaluation. the usage of this class is not the same as MessagePart