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Hummingbird.TestFramework.Automation.Assertions Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Hummingbird.TestFramework.Automation.Assertions"]

Public classAbstractAssertion
Base class of all the assertions.
Public classAbstractValueCompareAssertion
A base class of Value compare based Assertions.
Public classContainsAssertion
Checks if a text occurs within the Request or Response.
Public classNotContainsAssertion
Checks if a text pattern does not occur in the Request or Response.
Public classPathValidationAssertion
Checks if value described by a Property Path is expected.
Public classSoapFaultAssertion
Checks if the response is the related test step is a Soap fault / or not.
Public classXPathValidationAssertion
Checks if value described by an XPath is expected.